Will God bless us with a little boy or a girl? What will he or she look like? What will their hair look like, their eyes or their smile? Will they hate carrots like I did when I was a baby? Will they do silly things like Scott and I still do to this day? What kind of person will they become? What will be their hopes and dreams?
I am left to ponder and wonder, how can I truly love someone so much that I don't know, someone who is most likely not even born yet? I ache for this precious gift; a baby that I have not yet had the chance to hold and rock in my arms.
Today I came across a scripture that spoke to my soul. It says:
"I pray that your inward eyes may be illumined; so that you may know what is the hope to which God calls you." -Ephesians 1:18
I KNOW that the Lord has called us to adopt and through His will I am truly comforted.