Thanks for joining in on our journey towards creating our forever family...

This is the place you can come to witness the adventures we experience as we adopt our child from the beautiful country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We hope you will come back often to learn about where we're at in the process, the culture of our child, our hopes and dreams, and to leave comments of encouragement.

Also, be sure to check out older posts by clicking on the link at the bottom of each page titled "older posts".


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, August 29, 2008


Today I have been thinking a lot about what our child will be like...

Will God bless us with a little boy or a girl? What will he or she look like? What will their hair look like, their eyes or their smile? Will they hate carrots like I did when I was a baby? Will they do silly things like Scott and I still do to this day? What kind of person will they become? What will be their hopes and dreams?

I am left to ponder and wonder, how can I truly love someone so much that I don't know, someone who is most likely not even born yet? I ache for this precious gift; a baby that I have not yet had the chance to hold and rock in my arms.

Today I came across a scripture that spoke to my soul. It says:

"I pray that your inward eyes may be illumined; so that you may know what is the hope to which God calls you." -Ephesians 1:18

I KNOW that the Lord has called us to adopt and through His will I am truly comforted.


Monday, August 25, 2008


We started out happy. Ecstatic. Elated.
In those very early days where we met and we dated.
We couldn't believe we found what they call,
Eternal soul mates, forever and all.

We dated, got engaged and eventually married,
We promised each other's hearts would be carried.
And everything went according to plan,
Until I held that horrible letter in my hand.

"You can't produce a child"; the words cut like a knife.
And I hated what those very words did to my wife.
We had plans and dreams which were supposed to come true,
And without a little baby we didn't know what to do.

So we picked up our dreams, back off of the ground,
And pursued other options until we had found,
A clinical way to still have our little one,
But that course ran out after five years and some.

It just wasn't God's plan, he had different thoughts,
For there were children that needed parents, and lots.
So we put biology to rest, and took faith in our flight,
And were led down a road shined upon by God's light.

And although we never knew what any of that meant,
We stared ahead at a little island called St. Vincent.
The little piece of land where our baby will come from,
Who will call me their Dad and call Desiree their Mum.

We will fly over there and bring them back to this place,
Where so many loved ones can't wait to see their face.
Needless to say we're pleased with this road God created,
And once again we're happy. Ecstatic. Elated.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

FOLKFEST 2008...

This year the Caribbean Pavilion's theme was PARROTS
of the CARIBBEAN which took place August 14, 15 and 16!
It was a fun filled weekend that allowed us to transport ourselves to the festive and exotic atmosphere of the Caribbean. The music had us dancing to the sweet, exotic rhythms of the Steel Band, African, Caribbean, Latin and Limbo dancers and performers. The food was spicy and included curried and jerk chicken, beef patties, festival, roti, all served from an authentic setting in the islands.

We were fortunate enough to volunteer both Friday and Saturday evening and even had some of our family and friends volunteer as well. Scott welcomed people into the pavilion with his best Caribbean accent (everyone was laughing at him which only encouraged him more) and Desiree worked with the children making Caribbean masks as well as doing a variety of other activities. We ended up creating sunny memories as we celebrated the Islands and the arrival of our child! It only made us that much more excited to get our little one...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Strange thing happened...We were getting ready for bed last night when this song came on the galaxy music station. It brought tears to our eyes because we could both identify what Lady Saw was singing - we loved it so much that we thought we would post it here. We have also included the words below to follow along. We hope you'll find it as touching as we did.

Verse 1: Infertility is a word that a lot of people are ashamed to mention, a lot of people are so illiterate when it come to that word. They act as if it's a crime if you can't have a child. But I don't think so, I don't have a child, I may one day. But in the mean time I am going to share all my love.

Chorus: Not having a child don't make me any less than a woman, you see I got so much love to give, to so much unwanted kids, you can say all you want about me trying and ruin my reputation, ah still got so much love to give to so much unwanted kids, listen to my song.

Verse 2: I may not know the joy of giving birth, may not experience the pain and all the hurt, but I know how it feels to lose a child, and if pain is pain then I am hurting inside. If infertility makes me less than a girl, what would you say to many women in this world. Would you tell them have faith, would you tell them be strong or would you tell them that they're less than a woman?

Verse 3: I would give anything to have a child of my own but in the meantime let me share my happy home with the less fortunate, take away some of the stress from a child who has never known love and happiness. Miscarriages remind me of baby carriages, of broken hearts, short flings, failed marriages, the pain never go away, we try to keep them at bay. Oh I wish if my baby could have stayed.

Verse 4: Some people have kids and wish them never did, some kids grew up hating the life weh them live, some have it easy, some have it hard, some mothers abandon dem pickney like dawg. But wanti wanti dem can't get it and getti getti get and run weh lef eeh. Me nuh have none so you know me will take eeh me have a lot of love so send me little Becky Ann.

Verse 5: You see, what I am saying is this song is dedicated to all the females who have been trying to have children but never succeed. Some have miscarriage just like myself, but you know what, don't give up, have faith, one day you may just succeed. You know what I'm saying, and don't feel you are less than a woman because you don't have a child 'cause once you give you love to other children that come. You know what I'm saying.


So last Thursday, we found out that our documents from Foreign Affairs were returned back to CAFAC after completion. We checked our e-mail today and this was a message we had:

Hi Scott and Desiree,

I am pleased to tell you that I am mailing your dossier to St. Vincent today. Yay!!!

Have a great day!!!

Cori Corscadden
Administrative Assistant
CAFAC Agency

Needless to say, we are BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS! It finally feels like something is happening and that we WILL be parents soon. Keep the prayers going that our baby will come to us soon and that there will be no delays in St. Vincent!

Scott and Desiree

Monday, August 18, 2008


Here is a video that shows you a little about St. Vincent and the Grenadines and what you can expect to see and do in this beautiful, lush country. We hope you enjoy the journey!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


We recently joined the Saskatoon Caribbean Association with the hope to get an opportunity to connect with other's from the Caribbean culture.

One of the yearly events that the Association takes part in, is a festival held once a year in Regina, Saskatchewan called Carisask. This year it took place on July 26th in Wascana Park. Carisask is a fun filled day full of dancing, steel drum bands and wonderful food. We were fortunate to have a beautiful, warm, sunny day.

It began with a parade, similar to the one you would see in St. Vincent during Carnival which they call Vincy Mas - a day celebrating that the crops have all come in and that the workers may finally rest.

The flag pictured above is the flag of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The meaning of the flag is this: the blue symbolizes the water, the green stands for the land and the vegetation and the gold is for the warmth of the sun and the people. The green "V" in the centre of the flag symbolizes all of the small islands of the Grenadines as well as St. Vincent. Desiree got so overwhelmed with thoughts of our baby to be when she saw the flag, that she got just a little teary eyed - nothing new with her though...she's always a suck!

Here are some other pictures we took from that day:

The musical art of steel drums first originated in the Caribbean. Saskatoon has it's own Steel Drum Band which Scott plans to join with our little one. Here's a video of their performance that day for you to enjoy...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We started this blog a little late as we've already completed numerous stages in our adoption journey. This journey began in May 2008. So far we have:
  • completed our home study with a social worker
  • put together our adoption dossier (this is all of the paper work needed)
  • been fully accepted and approved by our Provincial Authority to adopt
  • paid our agency fees (our agency is CAFAC) in full and half of the country's fees
  • been fully approved by Canadian Immigration to sponsor a child into Canada
  • sent off our documents to be notarized by Foreign Affairs
This has all been quite a daunting process but we have moved through it quite quickly and without any speed bumps along the way. We hope that the rest of the process moves along just as quickly and easily.

So the next step is to receive our documents back from Foreign Affairs which will then be sent to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, where the real waiting game begins. It is here that we wait for the phone call to tell us that we have a baby. We will then have to wait another six months until the adoption process can be finalized and we can go pick up our little Vincy.

The rest of this process with the waiting is going to be extremely difficult on us and we ask that you pray for us to have patience and for everything to run smoothly and quickly. We don't know yet who the child is that God has chosen for us - boy or girl - but we ask that you also pray for our "baby to be's" birth mother and father, whoever they may be.