My Dad wanted to refinish Asha's crib and promised to have it done for our birthay, which was on February 14th, Valentine's Day. And sure enough, that day it was finished and delivered and is absolutely beautiful! Now all that is missing is Asha, but Laureen will keep the bed warm until we bring our princess home. 
He was also refinishing a dresser that used to be one of our neices. He called today to give me his "progress report" with how the dresser was coming along. He said to me, "I sprayed the dresser once, but didn't like how it turned out so I went back and had to fill in all of the nicks in the wood. I couldn't have left it the way it was because it just was not acceptable for my Asha." And this time, he didn't cry but rather made me cry. I know my Dad is really looking forward to being a "Gramps" and to hold and cuddle Asha. At the same time though, he is a little worried. A couple of weeks ago he said, "What if I squeeze her too much?" What a guy!
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