Since we first began talking to her foster parents, they told us early on how much Asha loved being outdoors. If they were sitting out on the porch and had to come inside the house for some reason, Asha would get so upset at them and would cry until they brought her out again. She still loves the outdoors to this day and just loves being in sun - can't you tell by her tan? :)
Here is Asha's room, made special from her Dadda. Her crib is missing and is in Mamma and Dadda's room - we'll put it in the room when she is ready (okay, I know...when WE are ready). We can't wait for her to see her room and can almost picture her face with her big brown eyes when she first sees her very own butterfly garden.

I love, love , love, Asha's room.
Scott you are a very gifted artist.
We can't wait to have our first tea party with our first grandbaby.
We look soooo forward to the process of building beautiful memories with Asha.
We can't wait until Asha see's the deer at the bird feeder, in Nana's and Gramp's front yard. We have been enjoying the frolicking of the twin baby deer. Eating the oat's and corn.
Maybe Asha will think, that they are extra large goats? Loving you, Nana and Gramp's
Asha's room looks great, you guys! Scott, you did an amazing job :)
Can't wait to meet your princess. I will be praying that the process goes smoothly and quickly!!
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