Hello to all my family and friends,
Guess what? Today I am 1! Can you believe it? The big O-N-E!
Mama and Dada say I am doing a lot of silly things now. I am walking now; not walking 100%, but I am walking and when I walk I have the cutest little waddle. Sometimes I like to not use my arms at all when I walk and pull them in tight infront of my tummy. And if I want to really scare Mama and Dada, I walk with my head in the air and my eyes closed!
Mama and Dada both say I am really busy and that I like to get into everything. I especially love to help Dada with the dishwasher and Mama with the laundry. And I try to be helpful by taking out all of the containers from my tupperware drawer in the kitchen.
My favorite toys right now are the new Winnie the Pooh car that Mama and Dada got me for my birthday and I also love the stacking cups that Nana and Gramps got me. I have become a lot more cuddly than I was a couple of months ago and I also love to give kisses. But I don't like it when anyone leaves my house. I love company and do silly things to make everyone laugh.
I'm still not a big eater though and no one understands that it's because I am just a small girl with a tiny stomach; plus I love my milk too much! But I do love potatoes, nectarines, corn flakes and popcorn twists!
Everyone is always saying I am such a smart little girl. I don't understand what the big deal is really because if you show me how to do something once, how hard is it for me to copy you? Mama taught me this week how to turn in a circle and everytime she says, "Turn Asha", I turn and I don't stop until I am so dizzy that I fall over.
I absolutely love bath time and would stay in the water all day if I could. For my birthday Mama and Dada took me swimming with Nana, Gramps, Grandma, Uncle Josh and Auntie Mel. I had lots of fun but wanted to stay by Mom the whole time. I have really become quite the Mama's girl.
And I am a good baby everyone keeps telling me. I don't like sleep but that's because I don't want to miss anything; but I am happy most of the time and love to laugh. My hair is finally starting to grow a little more and I still only have four teeth - two on the top and two on the bottom. Mama gets mad at me sometimes because I have started to bite things. She said that she used to bite babies when she was little and doesn't want me to do the same. But I will learn to change that behaviour in time.
Well that is what is new with me now. I am just so glad that I could celebrate my very 1st birthday at home in Canada with my family and friends.
Love, Asha Mikaela Nyah Parisien
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