We went out to see Papa yesterday. Daddy and Nana were both working, but I thought it would be a nice change of scenery for Asha, and would be a perfect chance for Papa to spend some time with his granddaughter.
Ever since we've been home, Asha hasn't left Papa's side and she has formed a very special bond with him. At first we referred to my dad as Grandpa but that quickly changed when Asha's speech improved and she decided on her own that he would no longer be Grandpa or Gramps, but Papa.
If you ask Asha to say, "I... love..." she almost always finishes off by saying "Papa". And if you tell her that we're going to go and see Papa, she will say, "Weeeeeee... Papa... Fun". Can't seem to figure out 100% why she is in love with Papa so much but I am sure it has something to do with the fact that he is goofy and does silly things to make her laugh, whether it's making a tent or a silly sound or face. Sometimes he acts like more of a kid than Asha does; maybe she senses the child in him.
Often Papa will come up with something that many people would think would be the dumbest game or idea, but that Asha absolutely loves. For example, I was busy doing something yesterday and asked Papa to give Asha a snack. Not too difficult you think. But, when I came back into the kitchen to see how they were doing, this is how I found them:
My Dad said to me in a matter of fact tone, "We wanted our snack under the table", like it was an every day occurrence. Their huge German Shepard Chase wanted to be a part of the game as well and tried to get under the kitchen table to join in on the fun. It was so cute to see! And as Miss Asha would say, "Papa... Fun".
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