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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Asha turned two on August 2nd!  Can you believe it?  As Asha's Mama, it is so difficult to believe that she is already two!  Where does the time go?  It makes me really realize how precious each moment is that I spend with her.  And although I rejoice that we are a family, a cute family of three, it also saddens me that my baby girl is growing up.  And growing up to be such a strong willed, kind, caring, generous, independent and loving little person. 
Posing for a picture
Asha may only be two but she has such a big heart and so much love, and would really do whatever she could to make you happy and smile.  She is amazing and amazes me each and every day.  And the best part of all is that... I can say that she is my daughter.

And although these two-year-old-tantrums-and-fits-and-crying-and-whining-and-complaining, really does try to get the best of me on some days, I would never ever ever ever never trade it for the world!


1 comment:

Sylvia said...

If she turned two on the 2nd then this is her magic year! Happy Birthday Asha.