It seems like as soon as she turned two, a lot of the characteristics that made her my "baby" went out instantly like the candles on her cake (cheesy I know). And although I am absolutely thrilled of the wonderful little person she is becoming, I don't want her to grow up... I am selfish I guess and I want her to stay a baby forever (minus the terrible two part of course).
We have decided that Asha will be our only babe and so it's difficult to think I will not get to see each of these stages again. I often feel like she is growing up TOO fast and that I cannot keep up.
So I take her down stairs for her nap today. And you really have to get a sense of what the usual nap time routine is like for Asha. Normally I warm her up a "magic bag" in the microwave; the bag consists of grains and scents that calm her and make her all warm and cozy. We get her special blanket and I warm up her bottle (she calls it tea-tea which is a St. Vincent thing). Then I take her to her room, turn on some soft lullaby music, cuddle her on my lap while I give her tea-tea and then put her in her bed. I then sing the wheels on the bus, pat or rub her back a little, say goodnight and I love you's, leave and blow a kiss from outside of her room. Then I close the door and she goes to sleep. The whole routine usually takes about 15 minutes. But... this is what it was like today:
I warmed up her magic bag, got her blanket and her bottle, took her down stairs and turned on the music. Then when I went to sit by her bed to give her bottle, she threw her blanket down onto the bed with her warm bag and covered herself up with a blanket. I then tried to give Asha her bottle and she said, "No Mama, Asha's a big girl, no tea-tea." So I went to rub her back and say my goodnight's, sweet dreams and I love you's and she said, "Bye Mom". Yep, that's what she said! Bye Mom. Guess I'm going to have to come to terms with this sooner than later.
See, I told you all. My baby is no longer a baby - it's official!!!
Asha will always be your baby...
I Love You, Des...
Awww... At least she left you the warm bag and bottle to comfort youself with :P
You really have to treasure each moment eh?.. growing so fast. Each new stage brings new precious moments though. Life can be a bit bitter sweet, but it's still so wonderful. Thanks for sharing such a sweet post on life as a mom.
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