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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I had a blast watching Asha and Gracie play together today.  If any of you truly know Asha, then you know just how special her blanket is to her.  She takes it every where with her, rarely shares with with Daddy and Mama and can't sleep without it! 

A few weeks ago I had washed Asha's blanket and for some reason it wasn't drying properly.  Scott tried to trick her in to thinking that another blanket was her special white one, but she knew better.  She wouldn't fall asleep until her blanket was in her arms.  By this time it was close to 10 pm and rather than wait any longer, we took out her blanket early from the dryer and gave it back.  She was so happy that she said thank you a dozen times (it didn't matter to her that the blanket was not entirely dry either)!

 For her to lay it on the floor and share it with Gracie today, was HUGE!  It was so awesome to watch them play with her special blanket.  Asha's gotta really love Gracie in order to allow that to happen.  They have really become the best of friends and in such a short time.  I am excited to see how their bond continues to grow.

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