Thanks for joining in on our journey towards creating our forever family...

This is the place you can come to witness the adventures we experience as we adopt our child from the beautiful country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We hope you will come back often to learn about where we're at in the process, the culture of our child, our hopes and dreams, and to leave comments of encouragement.

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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 1, 2009


We have been blessed richly to become friends with a lovely family who we met at our church. Brendon is originally from St. Vincent - born and raised - and met his wife Karen in St. Vincent when she came to the country for a missions trip. They spent much of their married lives together in St. Vincent but now reside in Saskatoon with their two boys.
If you have continuously visited our blog, then you all know that we have done many things to prepare for Asha by embracing her culture. We know that St. Vincent is, and will always be a part of who our daughter is and it is very important for us to incorporate parts of SVG that are indigenous to the country. We have been getting ready for her in many ways and one of those ways is through cooking. But no one knows what true St. Vincent cooking is like unless you have actually lived there and have learned the recipes from others in the country.

No words can express how excited we were to have these new friends come over yesterday to teach us some of the national delicacies. We figured it was only appropriate to serve something tropical for drinks, so we made the pina coladas and they showed us how to make the rest. We now can say that we know how to make PELAU with GREEN SEASONING, SALTED COD and BAKES. A huge, hearfelt thank you goes out to our Vincy friends; we are overfilled with joy and gratitude that you are in our lives and Asha's life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The food looks really good. I'll bet that it tastes great! Can't wait for you to try it out on us.
Love you both, Mom And Dad